WalkThru Virtual Reality

WalkThru is a virtual reality streaming service combatting isolation, depression, and anxiety in long-term care facilities.


AI shopping assistant that scrapes internet to tell you what people think about a product

Talento AI

Talento AI - A recruitment as a platform

Tortoise Charging Inc.

A transparent and seamless charging assistant.

Sparkman Tool

Electrician-focused multitool with improved safety and a more optimized tool selection for electrical work.

Soul Wanderer

Soul Wanderer wraps a vast, interplanetary universe based in Unreal Engine 5 around a graphic novel to create an immersive gaming experience.


Turning the world's music library into a stock market exchange.

SilverMoxie Ventures Inc.

SilverMoxie was created to accelerate mid-career pivots and new network activation for individuals 45-65.

We want individuals 45-65 to join our peer networked, age-tailored community where we facilitate entrepreneurial mindset, educational silverprenuer industry insights, and development coaching to improve silver-stage entrepreneurship success.


Next-Generation Event Promotion and Nightlife Management Software.

Mensari Inc

Mensari is building an accounting and treasury management solution for web3. Our goal is to build a flexible full stack solution starting with accounting and payments.