Bhatti Appointed as IEEE J-TEHM Editor-in-Chief

Pamela Bhatti has been appointed as the editor-in-chief of the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (J-TEHM) for a three-year term, beginning January 1, 2019. 
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Innovation @ Tech [October edition]

Explore what is happening at Tech in the area of innovation during October!
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CREATE-X Alumni Spotlight: Grubbly Farms

CREATE-X startup Grubbly Farms Grubbly Farms sells nutritious snacks for chickens called Grubblies.
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Student Startups Pitch at 2018 Demo Day

Demo Day marked the conclusion of Startup Launch, a program part of the CREATE-X initiative. Each team selected to participate was provided with seed money, mentorship and legal services to help them start their businesses and take them to market.
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Memes: A Digital Marketing Tool For Every Industry

What is a meme? One of the most famous memes is a small square photo of a toddler in a green and white shirt with a determined look on his face, clenching a fist of sand, labeled with a single word: SUCCESS.
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CREATE-X alumni spotlight: Gimme Vending

Vending machine drivers told them “Gimme something better,” and they delivered
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