Safe Road Solutions

Our goal is to improve roadway safety for the public and to save lives by developing innovative and cost-effective technologies that leverage the power of smartphones and AI. Our focus is to efficiently identify high crash-risk locations, primarily dangerous roadway curves (turns), evaluate their safety condition, and recommend safety improvement countermeasures. This would benefit 1) transportation agencies for enhanced roadway safety management and improvement, and 2) logistics companies and connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) for safer navigation.


Industry managers will buy a digital twin of their factory because it improves their production efficiency and optimizes operations

Brands will advertise on Jiito because it has GenZ students using the app. GenZ students will use the app because of the safe community


CarbonPlay is a plug in carbon credit issuing platform for sustainability projects at scale and a project marketplace to for purchasers to find projects. CarbonPlay uses a digital ledger technology to enable trust by tracking sustainability metrics directly from the sensors.

Arlax, Inc

Online platform connecting content creators and digital artists to powerful editing tools

WheelChariot, Inc.

Brick and mortar businesses will enroll our accessibility education and consultation platform to better their accessibility and tap into a market of consumers that doubles sales and quadruples revenue.


Our app closes the gap between mental health education for mental health first responders so they can better serve their communities by connecting them to professional mental health alongside educating themselves.

EcoSnap Inc.

Using EcoSnap, you can actively help conservation efforts just by taking a picture on your phone and collect the different animals you snap a picture of. Save the animals in a fun and interactive way!

Secure Verification Group, Inc.

We've created an app that allows for restaurants, bars, clubs, and more to verify patrons ages through the use of Mobile Drivers Licenses on Apple Wallet.

Hitch Buddy

A mid to long distance ride sharing app focused on matching traveling drivers with passengers wanting to travel in a similar route