Startup Crescendo acquired by Ultimate Guitar

The swatchcandy app, which won first place in the Convergence Innovation Competition (CIC), helps people – especially those with deep skin tones – find makeup to complement their complexion.

Ethos Medical, founded by three engineering alums, secured funding to test their lumbar puncture system

CS majors are working through Create-X to create an new platform for artistic collaboration.

Funding to support innovation for voice-based technology and conversational AI

FireHUD's reimagined platform monitors physiological data in real-time to guard against overexertion.

Avoid staying hangry by using Queues, a CREATE-X alumn company, to know how long wait times are at campus dining locations

Sora Schools is an online, project-based high school where students get to explore their interests and get exposure to future careers and fields of study.

A team of student entrepreneurs have turned saving money into a game with a new mobile app.

CS majors playing important roles for several student entrepreneurial teams.