SightWise, Inc.

Consumers with visual impairments will buy ChatGPT-esque assistants w/ image comprehension capabilities served in a ubiquitous, hands-free form factor because of its ease of use and utility in a wide range of day-to-day activities.

D1.AI, Inc.

Artifical intelligence powered analytics for tennis coaches to enhance their players' performance, technique, and strategy.

Reinvend, Inc.

Reinvend offers vending services tailored to locations through a focus on customer needs. Our customer facing brand, Chew-Want, offers items ranging from foods to household supplies where you need them most.

Atomistic Insights

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies will buy our algorithm, DeepPath, because it improves their computational aided drug design efforts.

AgriNutrients AI

SaaS that compiles mountains of data from farm IoT devices to synthesize solutions that help farmers through problem detection and optimization.


The removal of ureteral stents is a psychologically and physically painful process. Our goal is to reduce the pain associated with the procedure and enable greater ease of use. We are also exploring the possibility of use in pediatric patients that can potentially open up an entire new area of operation.


SalesStrike reovlutionizes the e-commerce marketspace by automating the creation and management of Amazon stores.


We built a completely new supplemental add-on insurance policy that can help cover the underinsurance protection gap after a natural disaster within a few days of the loss and we can payout everyone at once, while making insurance carriers look like the hero.

Young Food Entertainment, LLC

Esco Eats is a brand that bakes and markets the "World Famous Apple Cobbler Pie".

Tortoise Charging Inc.

A transparent and seamless charging assistant.